Inspired by this article on Medium I spent some time going through old e-mails. From newsletters I used to subscribe to, notifications e-mails sent to me by various social media channels and receipts from past flights and trains & things I bought that I no longer even own, etc.
In a matter of minutes I'd deleted over 4000 emails from my personal inbox and moved on to the Orion one - can you imagine the amount of e-mails we get through the B&B's e-mail address? I mean, there is hardly a good enough reason to keep reservation requests dating back 15 years.
Another couple of thousand deleted e-mails later I felt what many decluttering gurus promise: A newfound sense of wellbeing!
Knowing that all these e-mails not only cluttered my inboxes and potentially my subconscious mind but that their storage across servers all over the world also used a whole lot of fossil fuel generated energy, it feels so much better to have them gone!
There's much to be said about decluttering. According to Elephant Journal it can alleviate stress and anxiety, improve mental health and facilitate productivity.
If all of that AND a smaller carbon footprint can be gained, what are you waiting for? Let me know how it feels! //Aina